

Triangle Squares Info Phone

You can reach our info phone at: +49-231-222 272 292 (in German)

Under that number we inform you round the clock about our next club nights and all short term changes in the dance schedule.

C1 Reteach

On our C1 club nights we're currently doing a C1 reteach.
The current teaching status is documentend here.

Summer break

In Summer there will be a small dance break.

The last club night (C1) is on 11 Jul 2024.
The break will be from 15 Jul 2024 to 25 Jul 2024.
The first club night (A1) is on 29 Jul 2024.

Overview of the next dance dates

Date Program Location Info
29.07.2024A1Schützenheim ReusrathCaller: Edith
01.08.2024C2GTSV SolingenCaller: Edith
05.08.2024A2Schützenheim ReusrathCaller: Edith
08.08.2024C1Schützenheim ReusrathCaller: Edith
12.08.2024A1Schützenheim ReusrathCaller: Edith
15.08.2024C2Schützenheim ReusrathCaller: Joachim
19.08.2024A2Schützenheim ReusrathCaller: Joachim
22.08.2024C1Schützenheim ReusrathCaller: Edith

Please register if you want to participate in our club nights: members use the internal pages of the web site, guests e-mail to Thomas. Our Covid restrictions have been lifted, those who wish to protect themselves are welcome to wear a mask while dancing.

Please note that the club nights can still be cancelled until 2 pm on the respective dance days. The caller's name is not binding to the extent that it can be changed up to one hour before the beginning of the dance. This page and the info phone will inform you about changes.