
Directions for Solingen-Klauberg


The address of the dance location is

Turnhalle der Grundschule Klauberg
Klauberger Str. 39
42651 Solingen, Germany

Please note: Do not park on the schoolyard! We dance in the gymnastics hall at the left hand side of the building.


Google-Maps: Detail map of destination area.

From Ruhr area

  • A46 to Sonnborner Kreuz (No. 31)
  • Turn right towards Remscheid/W.-Cronenberg
  • After about 7 kms turn right at exit Solingen-Kohlfurt
  • After 200 m turn left (Kohlfurther Str.)
  • Follow road for about 3.5 kms (uphills and straight ahead at big crossing with traffic lights)
  • After railway undergrade crossing take next street on the left (Klauberger Straße), another very tight undergrade crossing follows and the school lies a little bit further on the left hand side

From Cologne

  • A3 to exit Solingen (No. 20)
  • Follow B229 for about 9 kms to Solingen center (follow signs "Gesamtverkehr").
  • At the crossing B229/B224 straight ahead (Schwertstraße), at the end of the road turn right into Wupperstraße
  • Take the third street on the left side (Klauberger Straße)
  • About 400 m after the crossing you will see the school on the right side

From Dusseldorf

  • Follow signs to Solingen center "Stadtmitte", this will lead you to the B224
  • At big crossing with city theater go straight ahead
  • Take the next street on the left (Merianstraße), then
  • first street left into Cronenberger Straße
  • next street right (Klauberger Straße), after a tight undergrade passage the school lies a little bit further on the left side

On the school premises

  • The gymnastics hall is the last building that you will reach if you turn left and walk to the end of the schoolyard. For the hall, please bring along sneakers that do not leave stripes on the floor.
  • Please do not park on the schoolyard. There is plenty of parking space in the street at the school, and there is a parking area around the corner at the right side of the school.